Thursday, February 13, 2014

One Minute Update (13 Feb)

Hi everyone,

We passed 900 members on our Facebook account last week.  I was happy.  It is nice to see the community growing.  But a member commented on my post about reaching 1,000 by our 7th anniversary in May by saying 'why so big?'  I think that is a GREAT question.

I know too well that big is not neccesarily better.  And as it happens by chance, I had to write up a plan this week for a possible dissolution of a non-profit as school homework assignment.  Here is the case study:

Arts for At Risk Youth

Ten years ago a charismatic artist founded Arts for At Risk Youth (AARY).  The founder deeply believed in the transformative power of the arts to overcome past adversity.  By providing the opportunity to be involved in the creative process through workshops, the participants develop
Photo by Randy Platt

relevant work, communication and conflict management skills.  Academic studies find that youth involvement in the arts reduces truancy, reduces juvenile crime and violence, improves academic performance and builds critical communication, self discipline and problem solving skills.  In the last decade over 2,000 young people have been served.  In 2008 AARY was an Award for Excellence finalist.  Approximately two years ago the founder left AARY for personal and professional reasons.  A new executive director was hired.  In the past year issues have risen regarding cash flow and sustainability.  Efforts were made regarding reducing expenses and cutting staff.  With the economic downturn, drastic cuts have been made in funding for the arts. Historical funding sources have dried up or been reduced dramatically.  The Board has scheduled a meeting to discuss closing the organization. 

Well, I see myself as the semi-charismatic organizer and that the CSCPG has been doing a lot of growing since I came onboard, but are we headed down a path where one day the group will implode or simply 'not work.'  Because sometimes communities do fail.

So simply, I 'think' growing new members is a positive thing.  Our diversity is our greatest asset.  I also think in terms of Colorado Springs  and when you consider the fact that we are a community of some 600,000 people.  So... if we reach 6,000 members on FaceBook by our 10th Anniversary we are still only representing .00001 percent (plus or minus a 0) of the community.

Some of you may remember Bruce Hinson who was a Co-Organizer until he moved away to be closer with his family.  Before he left he said to me 'Charlie, what your doing is making a difference in the 'community.'  They were nice sentiments and 'I' see it happen every day.  But do you see it?  Maybe I am a dreamer, but I would like to see us come together to be a 'Educate, Showcase and be Community Minded' group that is still around not just for 3 more years to reach our 10th Anniversary, but also our 20th and beyond.

In my mind I see us continuing to become a 'community.'  Photography has been a part of my life for more 35 years.  I see the challenges photographers face today and have insights to what photographers will face in the future.  So stay tuned, get involved and let's continue to have FUN!


Our Vision: Educate, Showcase and Community Mindedness

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words inspired me to make this for you Keep dreaming Charlie!
    Hugs & Happy Valentines,
