Thursday, March 6, 2014

One Minute Update (Mar 6th)

Hi everyone,

Where to begin when talking about tonights 'Community' Photo Contest Gala.  It has certainly been an interesting year.  I normally start planning the next one as soon as I put the first one to rest.  Last year we had only 5 categories and this year we had 8.  Last year we had almost 160 entries and this
year we had over 200.  We displayed 5 images then and this year we are displaying 5x that many.  I feel so good about how our group is growing and how our little 'community' is not so little anymore.  We still have more people that are members than are active, but we are trying hard to serve the more than 200 of you that are 'active' in the Group.  I am a little surprised, and yes pleased, that a little more than  a 100 of you are taking the time to read me now or on a weekly basis.

So I hope to see you all tonight at the Gala.  And it is not too late for you to vote (by leaving a comment) for our 'Best of Show' award.  So I encourage you to make a folder and start putting away your 'selects' to enter next years contest.  I would love to see more individuals enter, even if it is only 1 image.  I think an annual entry would spark your passion for photography and show you how your photography is evolving and growing as time goes by.  And it is probably the cheapest marketing of your photography that you will find.


"Keeping it real" Linda Hawkins finds a groove in creative engagement sessions.  There are other great articles in the Professional Photographers of America's magazine.  I suggest you subscribe and find out first hand. ($19.95 a yr)

40 Must See Photographs from the past.  I love how the camera can transport us back in time.  To funnier days.

"For 10 years, Ms. Arbus roamed New York City equipped with a camera and a directive from editors at The Village Voice to photograph 'anybody that turns your head.'"  Invincible Looks on City Streets is some interesting street photography

We have identified our 2nd school, (Air Academy High School) so we will start fundraising for our 2015 scholarships soon.  Our first scholarship will be presented on 23 April at the Cheyenne Mountain Junior High.  Wish us luck with the judging.

Member Profile:  I think I owe it to him to highlight the photography of Dennis Smith after I brutally abused him by cropping one of his photos on FaceBook.  Click here to see the original.  The thing that I LOVE is that a ton of people will disagree with me.  So I am stirring the pot.  Crop it/don't crop there is no perfect answer.  But it opens the dioluge to ask and examine.  Dennis is a Grand Prize winner who will be taking home one of the beautiful crystal trophies tonight.  I look forward to hearing his thoughts on my crop.  But I am already tickled by David Davies comment that said, "glad you are not a barber."

Rant&Raves:  I am so happy that I have nothing to Rant or Rave about.  Things are quiet.  I feel like I just have to ride the wave of enthusiasm that is happening with the Group.  I think we are on track for our goal of having 1,000 members on FaceBook by our anniversary in May.  But if we don't we don't- not really a 'bad' thing if we don't.  I am excited about finding a 2nd school to collaborate with in 2015 and offer a scholarship.  I continue to research areas where we can have an impact in our community.  So, take a breath and relax with me.  If anyone is still concerned about money. then check out the accounting online- we are completely transparent. And as I say...Let's have FUN!

It is time to PARTY!


Our Vision: Educate, Showcase and be 'Community' Minded

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Loved the 40 past photos. Some gave me goose bumps. Thanks for sharing.
